6 Eylül 2013 Cuma





Pianoforall is a step-by-step program providing the user with a solid foundation of chords and rhythms while progressing to playing by ear and sight reading. The method uses a combination of keyboard diagrams and musical notation, with media clips to emphasize each point. As you progress, the musical staff is shown for you to see what you have actually been playing. You will be amazed at how difficult it looks printed on paper!
Diagrams and musical staff layouts are in an easily decipherable format, helping you better visualize and understand notation. After you have learned to play songs using chords and improvisation, Shapes and Patterns are taught in note reading. Emphasis is placed on giving you the tools to learn each concept thoroughly before moving to the next step, ensuring a higher success rate than many of the lower rated Learn Piano Online Review programs we reviewed. This program offers a complex and detailed set of 10 eBooks, plus a bonus book with over 700 video and audio clips embedded in the pages.
One of the highlights of the Pianoforall method is the Speed Learning Book offering practical advice on how to stay focused and progress rapidly, a must for anyone learning piano online without personal supervision. Sight reading is inherent if you follow this course because you gain an excellent understanding of how to analyze a piece. You will learn to see music as simple mathematical equations that, once mastered, are easy to build into the more difficult concepts. The eBooks are some of the most technical and extensive products available online with writing that is clear and concise, but the video and audio quality are lacking compared to some of the other products reviewed. There are no chat rooms, forums, or additional online features to contact others working through this program.
You can either download the program from the website or have the software mailed to your home. The files are in PDF form so you can print out individual pages as needed or view from a computer. The audio and video clips are embedded next to the written examples making them instantly accessible. Because of the enormous size of the program, consider carefully what pages you print unless money for ink and paper is not an issue. One drawback is that complete music pieces are not used in the eBooks, but most are available on free music sites referenced in each chapter.  Pianoforall was created by Robin Hall who personally and quickly answers your email enquiries. Periodic updates are emailed to purchasers that include the latest in buying a piano or MIDI keyboard, internet music sites, music book reviews, and more.

        Piano practice can be fun too!..

Most people don’t really want to ‘learn’ to play the piano or ‘practice’ the piano, they just want to ‘play’ piano. Play’ sounds like fun, ‘practice’ sounds like a chore. We get this image from childhood – some kid stuck indoors ‘practicing’ scales while all the other kids are outside the window ‘playing’.
So, first thing we need to do is to see our piano practice in a new light. See it as a way of accelerating the learning process so that SOON you’ll be able to ‘play’ piano and play it well. If you don’t practice and you just play old familiar tunes you move rather slowly. Yes, you’ll get better at playing those old familiar tunes but technically you won’t be pushing yourself to greater heights.
Proper, structured piano practice helps you stride forwards. I say ‘proper’ because a lot of people have an idea that practice IS just playing songs over and over. Practice needs to involve unchartered territory. The golden rule is – ‘practice what you CAN’T play, not what you CAN play’.
First of all, work out what you want to achieve. Do you just want to know all your chords without thinking about how they are formed – then work out a practice routine that leads to that goal. Maybe you want to learn about inversions or chord substitution – again, make the practice fit the goal.
Split your practice session into two halves. In the first half play the difficult stuff – your mind is sharper to begin with – then reward yourself with some enjoyable but reasonably difficult tunes.
Make sure you are comfortable. Many a bad back has happened because of a bad piano stool at the wrong height. Make sure your piano is in tune. If you don’t have a good piano and are serious about learning GO BUY A GOOD ONE.
Every fifteen minutes stretch your arms and shoulders and roll your neck to combat stiffness. Check out some Yoga exercises for shoulders and back.
Follow the 3 times daily rule. Repetition in practice is ESSENTIAL. If you find something particularly difficult make sure you practice it at least 3 times every day. Don’t worry if it takes months to master – you’ll get there.
Don’t play for the neighbours. Practice piano at a time when you don’t care who is listening so that you can make lot’s of mistakes and play things over and over.
Organise your piano music carefully – don’t keep it in a heap where you keep playing the ones on top. If you download sheet music put it in a folder. Have plenty of shelves near the piano.
Be realistic – I truly believe that anyone can learn piano and learn it to an enjoyable level. But no two people are alike – some are more ‘naturally’ gifted than others. If you have an average ability then it’s all down to practice. The more you practice the more you learn.
Now and then, practice with your eyes closed – or don’t look at the keys – this really sharpens you up.
Organise your life so that practice is possible (this where Mindfulness comes in). Too many people think they don’t have time to practice when really they just haven’t found the time. How long should you practice – that’s up to what you want to achieve. You don’t have to be a concert pianist. Even if you just play for yourself just enjoy that. The archer who’s mind is on the prize cannot stay focussed on the target.
Accept the bad days when it seems like you can’t play a note. Sometimes it’s better to walk away. So remember that ‘playing’ piano and ‘practicing’ piano are different. Which do you do? Aim for a bit of both

Within minutes you could be discovering the secrets of people who
can sit down at a piano and effortlessly play any song in any style.

and with a 2 Months Money Back Guarantee what have you got to lose!


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60 Days 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

Because I am so certain that the Pianoforall method is one of the best available – anywhere! – I can happily offer you an unconditional 60 days 100% Money-Back Guarantee. If you aren’t completely thrilled with your purchase within 60 days then send me an email that simply states you would like a refund and your money will be instantly refunded
AND – you get to keep the purchase for free.

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